These mobile apps including the health facility guidelines which form their content are offered with no warranty whatever. These guidelines are intended for reference and use by
reasonably skilled and experienced professionals. They do not reduce the obligation of the designers and other users to comply with all Statutory and Legislative requirements or exercise their duty of care.
HFBS developers, the authors of these guidelines or Health Authorities requiring them do not accept any responsibility for any consequences of the use or abuse of these guidelines. The
contents of the Health Facility Guidelines may be changed or updated at any time due to changes in Medical Practice, Legislation, Models of Care or Technology without prior notice.
By using these mobile apps you acknowledge that: - there is no guarantee of accuracy for the content - you are solely responsible for the use of the
apps - you are solely responsible for use of the contents - all payments are nonrefundable - there is no promise of editable content - any editable content may be at additional cost - the material may
be rejected by some Authorities - you may not reverse engineer the apps